Thursday, March 26, 2009

Magnetic Clasp Bracelet - Your Jewelry Fits Right And Stays Secure

The good thing about a magnetic clasp bracelet is that you put it on and it stays on. Since you're most likely aiming to treat some muscle, joint and tendon problems in your arms and wrists, it's only fair that you look for one bracelet that fits right and stays secure. There are several varieties available today at designated shops and jewelers. Here's how to find the right piece for you.

The Magnetic Clasp

The clasp of the bracelet itself is magnetic and can give anywhere from 2,000 to 5,000 gauss as needed by the wearer. You may also choose to increase the strength of the magnetic field by adding more magnets to the design or choosing a larger clasp. The clasps usually are equipped with safety snap to make sure that your jewelry stays on as needed without any risk of accidental snapping or losing. The mechanism is very convenient since you can easily take off the bracelet if you're taking a shower or going for a swim although everything usually is waterproof.

There are different types of magnetic clasps available depending on the style and design you need. Lobster and spring clasps are very traditional which has an adjustable hooking device that snaps on a loop or ring at the opposite end of the bracelet. These are harder to close however since fixing the lobster or spring requires steady small fingers with semi-grown nails. Newer models use a quick and easy latch-on mechanism wherein a rigged portion of one end of the bracelet perfectly fits and locks onto the miniature bars uniquely set at the opposite end. These are all magnetized as well so you get to double the security as the two opposite ends attract to each other.

Can the Clasps Heal?

Magnetic therapy or the use of magnetic bracelets and other jewelry for the purpose of pain and inflammation relief has been quite popular in recent years. First and foremost, magnetic clasps are not intended to medically treat individuals with chronic problems in their muscles and joints. The magnetic clasp bracelets specifically are intended to help hold the ends of the jewelry in addition to the clasp mechanism for added security. Take note that strengths of the magnetic clasps are kept only at minimal or regular intensities so that they merely attract to each other. The size of the clasps is also relatively small to produce any significant effects on affected areas.

The Real Healing Magnets

It would be a better idea to introduce solid magnetic materials that have higher strengths and can cover a broader area if you expect results. Gold, silver, copper, stainless steel and titanium are the usual metals that are magnetized with magnetic fields ranging as much as 20,000 to 30,000 gauss. Hematite beads are also said to have positive magnetic effects. You will see a variety of designs featuring these metals together with magnetic clasps. Basically, the magnetic clasp is very affordable and you can get these for as low as $4.50 depending on the design and material.

Too Much Magnet

There are no known side effects on applying very high amounts of magnetic force to your body. Just be sure that you keep other sensitive items like watches and compasses away. People with metal pins and plates surgically placed inside their bodies should consult their doctor first before application. A magnetic clasp bracelet is intended to add security to the piece so that it stays in place for as long as you expect it to. You may also find cheap materials like plastic, wooden and glass beads, silicone and other plastics made into bracelets but still using magnetic clasps to make them very easy and secure to wear.

Susan Barcelon is a successful Webmaster and publisher of She provides more resources on topics such as magnetic clasp bracelet, discount tennis bracelets and magnetic wrap necklace that you can research on her website even while lounging in your living room.

Copper Magnetic Bracelets - Doubling the Health Benefits

The rise of copper magnetic bracelets has shown people that two is indeed better than one. The bracelets were made to provide both the therapeutic effects of magnetic fields and copper. These two materials were widely believed to have beneficial effects on pain, inflammation and other muscle and joint problems. Find out more about the styles and process.

The Treatments

When you invest in a copper magnetic bracelet, manufacturers and dealers say that you can have several benefits such as pain relief from arthritis, tendonitis, rheumatism and carpal tunnel syndrome. Magnets have been used since the ancient times to treat a variety of physical disorders since these were thought to balance the ionic flow in the human body. Copper was also found to have physical benefits like muscle relaxation, improved blood flow and increased oxygen output to tissues. The combination of these two can then treat individuals more effectively.

Makers suggest that you place the magnet and copper close to the area you intend to treat. The wrist and arm can then benefit from muscle and joint pain and inflammation that may result from underlying and general conditions. There's really not much difference if you wear the bracelets tightly or loosely since it is known to have effects on the entire area around where it is placed.

The Look

Copper magnetic bracelets have a very simple yet fashionable appearance. The pieces can have lengths anywhere from 65 to 85 mm that can easily fit wrist sizes of 6 to 8 inches. Width is about 2 to 3 cm and thickness is about 0.5 to 0.85 cm. The bracelets simply form an unfinished loop without any clasp wherein the wearer can slip his hand or wrist through the open ends.

The copper loop is solid, has a bronze or rustic brown color and entirely magnetized accordingly from 1500 to 7000 gauss depending on the needs of the person. Since jewelry and other magnet-sensitive metals cannot be placed on the bracelet, the pieces usually have very simple designs such as a bangle or cuff. There are however, gold and silver-plated ones sporting various patterns.

The Price

Prices will differ depending on the size, materials used and gauss of the magnet. The higher the gauss, the more expensive the copper magnetic bracelet. The number of karats for gold-plated designs will also determine the price. On the average, simple copper magnetic cuffs or bangles cost about $30. Prices can rise up from $60 to $250 with higher gauss and addition of details and gold or silver accents. Almost all bracelets come in very presentable packages with some instructions on how to therapeutically apply treatment. A lot of dealers also offer warranty and satisfaction guarantee over a period of time.

Tips on Wearing Them

You may wear more than one bracelet at a time since some experts believe that higher gauss also results in more effective physical gains. Some people even wear as many as 4 to 5 bracelets at a time. You should know that these bracelets are primarily sold as aesthetic devices and have not been scientifically or medically proven to treat any condition or disease. These also should never be used to replace medical therapy for those undergoing any. It is best to consult your doctor first before buying a copper magnetic bracelet.

Susan Barcelon is a successful Webmaster and publisher of She provides more resources on topics such as copper magnetic bracelets, cancer bracelets and silicone bracelets that you can research on her website even while lounging in your living room.

Magnetic Therapy Can Treat Repetitive Strain Injury - Tendonitis And Carpal Tunnel Syndromme

What is RSI, Tendonitis and Carpal tunnel syndrome?

Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) occur from repeated physical movements doing damage to tendons, nerves, muscles, and other soft body tissues. Occupations ranging from meatpackers to musicians have characteristic RSIs that can result from the typical tasks they perform. The rise of computer use and flat, light-touch keyboards that permit high speed typing have resulted in an epidemic of injuries of the hands, arms, and shoulders. Use of pointing devices like mice and trackballs are as much a cause, if not more so. The thousands of repeated keystrokes and long periods of clutching and dragging with mice slowly accumulates damage to the body.

The term Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is not, in itself, a medical diagnosis. It is used to describe a number of named musculoskeletal conditions (such as Tenosynovitis, Cramp of the Hand, Tendonitis, etc.) as well as 'diffuse RSI' which is more difficult to define but which recent research attributes to nerve damage. These are almost always occupational in origin. 'Repetitive Strain Injury' is a term similar to that of 'sports injury' in that it tells more about how the injury was sustained, rather than what the injury actually is. This condition refers to the tender swelling of tendons, the rope or cord like structures which connect muscles to bones in order to work the joints of the body. When any group of tendons are overused microscopic tears can result, leading to inflammation. Even a minor contraction in the muscle can then lead to further irritation.

Tendonitis more commonly affects the hand, wrist, elbows and shoulders, although it may occur at any joint in the body. Other conditions may be linked to inflammation of the tendons, such as Tenosynovitis. Tendonitis results in pain and local tenderness. The thickening and scarring may prevent the affected fingers or limbs from going through their normal range of movements. The increase in pain and disability is usually gradual, unless the injury is the result of sudden strain (tearing) or a direct blow. The most common recognisable factor is overloading the tendon through repetitive physical activity. Certain sports may cause discomfort and at work it can occur from overuse of the keyboard, computer mouse or through routine assembly line work.

The carpal tunnel is a passageway in the wrist formed by the eight carpal (wrist) bones, which make up the floor and sides of the tunnel, and the transverse carpal ligament, a strong ligament stretching across the roof of the tunnel.

Inside the carpal tunnel are tendons which run down from the muscles in the forearm and work to flex your fingers and thumb. Also running through the tunnel is the median nerve, a cord about the size of a pencil, supplying information back to the brain about sensations you feel in your thumb, index, middle and (occasionally) ring fingers.

In carpal tunnel syndrome the median nerve gets squeezed, often because the tendons become swollen and overfill the tunnel. The median nerve within the carpal tunnel is very sensitive to pressure and so there are many possible causes including arthritis, fluid retention and diabetes. If the problem comes on during the day it is important to look for a link to regular physical activities at work or home, for example; writing, typing, using a computer mouse, DIY, housework or knitting. Repeated flexion and extension of the wrist, as is common in various work activities, can cause inflammation which puts pressure on the nerve. Work factors which can contribute to the condition include insufficient breaks and awkward posture.

Magnetic treatment of RSI,Tendonitis and Carpal tunnel syndrome.

RSI, Tendonitis and Carpal tunnel syndrome are injuries relating to the stress and overload of tendons and muscles with in the body. Although most people associate them with the hand, wrist and arm, RSI can occur anywhere in the body where the is a constant repetition of an action. This type of strain injuries are usually acute in natural rather than chronic and can be treated very successfully. The predominant aim with all of these conditions is to reduce the inflammation which surrounds the strained tendons, muscles and tissues, plus renew the damaged soft tissue. Whilst conventional treatments revolve around using painkillers, rest , splints and even in some cases (carpal tunnel syndrome) surgery, magnets will work to treat the inflammation that is causing the condition to continue. Typical magnetic therapy treatments for these conditions would be:

1)RSI: Wherever the RSI is located magnets must be placed directly over the strained area. Most commonly straps or wraps are used as they also provide an element of support as well as magnetic therapy. For example RSI in the back would be treated with a back support. As RSI damage is usually limited to soft tissue , muscle and tendons results can be seen quite quickly as the magnetic field will reduce the inflammation which is pressing upon the nerve endings with in a few days ( in most cases).

2)Tendonitis: Predominantly in the arm, this can be treated with straps placed around the injury or by using high strength magnetic jewellery. If jewellery is used on the wrist and the injury is in the elbow or upper arm then the strength of the jewellery must be strong enough to allow the magnetic field to penetrate all the way to the injury. As previously discussed a magnetic field weakens as it moves away from the magnetic source. For this reason the jewellery should be at least 2,000 gauss/200 m Tesla per magnet.

3)Carpal tunnel syndrome: This is always located in the wrist and is very easy to treat with a wrist support or a magnetic bracelet. As with all conditions the magnets must be worn day and night to be of most benefit, this is particularly important with Carpal tunnel syndrome as most of the symptoms occur during the night time (pins and needles, cramp, numbness, swelling).

All three of these aliments are very painful and limit the mobility of the area that is affected, but they do not have an underlying disease process such as arthritis or osteoporosis. The damage occurs as a result of tasks which the sufferer does on a daily basis. This means that once the symptoms have been resolved the condition is, in effect, ‘cured’ in such that it will not reappear until the repetition has again been performed a significant number of times to cause the condition to reappear. As a result once the injury has been resolved sufferers can go for long periods of time with out any symptoms and when symptoms do start to reoccur the immediate application of magnets will resolve the pain very quickly.

Debbie Shimadry is qualified magnetic therapist and pain nurse specialist. She appears on several BBC radio stations as an expert guest on magnetic therapy and is also the managing director of leading magnetic therapy company To find out more on how magnetic therapy can help you, visit

Benefits of Magnetic Jewelry

Our Body and Electromagnetic Fields

Almost everyone made an electromagnet by wrapping a long wire around a nail and connecting it to a battery, but did you know that our bodies are also electromagnetic in nature? Electromagnetics is closely tied to the chemical balance of our body which can be either in a state of health or a state of dis-ease.

When our cells are damaged, there is a positive electrical charge at the site which affects the chemical and electrical balance of our body. This can cause us to feel pain. And because the human body is a wonderful healing machine, it sends a negative electrical charge to the damaged area to effect healing.

A natural way of helping our body's immune system is provided by the Earth's North Pole which is a geomagnetic north pole magnetic field. A negative magnetic field provides pain relief by oxygenating and alkalizing our body's defense systems. Negative magnetic fields also fight infection and inflammation by improving blood circulation so that more oxygen is carried to the cells in the body. Then toxic wasted are flushed out of the body more efficiently and our natural healing processes are enhanced.

Why Use Magnetic Therapy?

Research using magnets has shown therapeutic effects on the joints, nerves, tendons, and muscles as well as pain relief from work- and sports-related injuries. Magnets are effective in dilating blood vessels which could lead to a better blood flow, an increase in the oxygen level of our blood, and a more efficient flushing of harmful toxins from our body. These effects can alleviate certain types of pain such as headaches, which are caused by the restriction of blood vessels and the accumulation of toxins. This type of magnetic therapy is administered by placing magnets over the painful area. But many busy people do not have the time for this therapy because the magnet must stay in place for a long period of time.

Magnetic Jewelry

Magnetic jewelry addresses the need of placing a magnet over a painful area for a long period of time. Two examples are magnetic necklaces and magnetic bracelets. The necklace is believed to be effective is alleviating certain pain in our upper body including back pain, neck pain, headaches, and migraines. Bracelets can be effective in relieving shoulder, arm, and hand pain. Now people who cannot afford to devote a whole day to therapy can use magnetic jewelry.

Maryanne Frabotta
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Do You Know These Miraculous Effects of the Jewellery Therapy?

Jewellery, basically, is to adorn a woman, give an aesthetic touch to her beauty and make her feel complete with her make up. From time immemorial it has attracted women with its different shapes and sizes. Sometimes it plays vital role in some special occasions like wedding.

However, there is another aspect of jewellery that is still a mystery for people of this IT age; it is the therapeutic aspect. Magnetic jewellery is the item that is made up of magnets and is worn as jewellery near any injured or affected area of the body. But the main purpose of wearing these items is to create a magnetic field around the area and heal the disease. Like any non-magnetic or general jewellery, the magnetic jewellery is also available in any form like necklaces, earrings, bracelets, anklets.

Magnetic therapy is a very old and proven method of healing many diseases like pain, blood pressure and heart diseases. If you are surprised how the magnets heal, it can be said that they do not really heal directly. Magnets act positively on the living tissues of the body. They help the body to produce its natural pain killer, enhance the process of blood circulation on the part of the body near which they are worn and add to the healing process.

Medical research also reveals that the iron components of our body become immediately responsive to the magnet. The benefits of magnetic therapy have led some creative designer to manufacture the magnetic jewellery that solves dual purpose of style and treatment. This kind of jewellery is the alternative therapy to pain and ache and hence, is becoming increasingly popular among the people from every walk of life.

Magnetic jewellery is the safe, drug-free and non-evasive method of treatment. The most beneficial aspect of wearing it is that you do not have to take medicines that include chemicals. The functional property of the jewellery is accepted far and wide and many people have got the benefit of using it. People who dislike oral medicines and needles or suffer from their side effects have readily accepted the magnetic therapy attached to the new kind of magnetic jewellery. It is just a process of regulating the flow of blood to the artery. The magnetic field penetrates into the skin and stimulates the affected area.

Magnetic therapy was earlier used for healing purpose in India, China, Greece and Egypt. But these days they have taken the shape of magnetic jewellery. Some people have been found complaining about not getting relief even after using the jewellery. The most probable reason behind this may be not choosing the right jewellery. The threat of using magnetic jewellery lies in using the badly chosen items or the wrong kind of magnet. Consult an expert before purchasing any magnetic jewellery.

Wrong magnetic jewellery or low quality magnetic jewellery will not serve the right purpose. The important thing that a person wearing this jewellery should remember is to wear it close to the pain area as far as possible. For noticeable result the magnetic jewellery should be worn for twenty four hours a day. Continuous use gives continuous benefit. Remember that the jewellery with the strongest and largest number of magnet is sure to give you an effective result.

Wide range of magnetic jewellery is available in the market. The type of jewellery that you should wear depends on the kind of pain or disease that you are suffering from. A bracelet is not going to heal your backache anyways. Likewise, there are different other types of magnet that are worn for different types of ailments. This apart, there are some precautions that need to be taken before using any magnetic jewellery.

Magnetic jewellery is not safe for people who use pacemaker or any other metal in the body. Consult your physician if you have serious health problems like cancer, cardiac diseases or any other ailment. Give way to a better recovery process by selecting the suitable magnetic jewellery and make it the symbol of your fashion and good health.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

Magnetic Jewelry

In recent times, a number of alternative treatments to medical conditions have been developed, which are being used by a lot of people. One example of this is the introduction of eastern medical practices and medications to the West. Other examples include different types of therapy that do not use the traditional equipment and medications that Western medicine has developed. One such example is magnet therapy, which claims to be very effective in treating different kinds of pain on the different parts of the body.

How does magnet therapy work?

Magnet therapy works under the assumption that magnets are effective in dilating blood vessels that could lead to a better blood flow and other effects. Some of these effects include an increase in the oxygenation of the blood and the increased flushing out of harmful toxins from the body. It is then claimed that these effects alleviate pain because there are certain types of pain that are caused by the restriction of blood vessels such as headaches, and the accumulation of toxins on certain areas of the body. Usually, this type of therapy is administered by placing magnets on the areas in which a person is experiencing pain. However, this may not be always applicable as this therapy involves that a magnet be placed on an area for a long period of time, which busy people cannot afford to do.

Magnetic jewelry

In response to the need to have a way of placing a magnet on the area where there is pain, proponents of this therapy have developed magnetic jewelry, which people can wear on the area where they are experiencing pain. One example of this is a magnetic necklace, which is believed to be effective in alleviating certain types of pain that people may experience on their upper bodies, including migraines, headaches, neck pains, and back pains. In addition, magnetic bracelets are said to be effective in alleviating pain in the hands, arms and shoulders. Lastly, magnetic anklets are supposed to be able to help alleviate the pain that a person may be feeling on any part of his lower body, which includes his lower back, his knees and his feet.

One type of alternative therapy that has been developed recently is magnet therapy, which utilizes magnets to help alleviate different kinds of pain on the body. However, a new way of administering this therapy has also been developed so that people who use these magnets would be able to do the therapy for the whole day without having to stop working, which is to use magnetic jewelry.

Jewelry provides detailed information on jewelry, fashion jewelry, fine jewelry, religious jewelry and more. Jewelry is affiliated with Horse Hair Jewelry.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

3 Tips for Buying a Magnetic Necklace

For pain relief in the upper body and head, a magnetic necklace is a common choice. A common dilemma, however, among those looking to buy is how to choose one. Here are 3 tips to use when buying magnetic jewelry for your neck.

Whether you're buying for it pain therapy or for just plain looks, you'll need to know several things about choosing a magnetic necklace. First, you'll want to be familiar with the types of necklaces and how they are designed to be worn. Second, you'll need to know about the differences in quality. Not only is the quality of the craftsmanship important, but also the strength and quality of the magnets themselves. Lastly, you'll want to understand how the differences in magnetic necklaces fits your style.

1. The right type of necklace - There are a few styles of magnetic necklaces, so you'll want to make sure you get the right one for you. First, is the lariat. Lariat necklaces have no clasp, and wrap around your neck using the magnets in them to stay fastened. Lariats, also called "wraps" or "snakes," are usually 36 or 37 inches, and can be worn in several different ways around the neck. They can wrap a full turn, or less than a full turn around the neck. When worn this way the remainder of the beads hang below the neck, usually with the two sides joined in a straight line. They can wrap more than one full turn around the neck with a remainder, or they can coil around the neck like a collar. They can also be worn around the wrist or ankle, although they will obviously coil more times. Because of their length, these typically have the most magnets of any type of necklace. Unlike the lariat, the other types of magnetic necklaces are more like traditional necklaces with a clasp. The difference, of course, is that the clasp is usually magnetic. These necklaces can be made in different sizes, so be sure to get the right size for you. You'll find these necklaces plain, or with charms that are sometimes magnetic as well. A hematite cross is a popular magnetic charm. You'll find both the lariats and the traditional shape magnetic necklaces with or without accent beads. These accents beads can be magnetic hematite beads, or some type of non-magnetic bead. Higher quality necklaces will sport accents such as hematite, freshwater pearls, or semi-precious stones in turquoise, cherry quartz, or agate. These necklaces are more expensive, and also usually have stronger, higher quality magnets. Be alert that the better lariats will have as many as 48 high powered magnets.
2. Quality - There are two aspects to the quality. The first is the craftsmanship, and the second is the quality of materials used. As I've mentioned, higher quality necklaces usually use higher quality accent beads, and more powerful magnets. If you're interested in pain relief, powerful magnets are a must. Watch out for lesser quality products. A high quality maker of magnetic jewelry will choose stronger magnets, and higher quality accents. Look for a craftsperson who creates custom-made designs in magnetic jewelry, rather than one of the mass-produced pieces. These custom pieces will more than likely be using higher powered magnets and materials.
3. Style - You'll have to weigh all these differences against your personal style. Some people love the versatility of the lariat, while others prefer a more traditional look. Some enjoy the elegance and color of semi-precious stones, while others prefer the clean high-tech look of the polished black hematite. Cloisonne, lady bugs, and seasonal beads are very popular.

If you weren't familiar with the ins and outs of magnetic necklace buying, I hope this primer has you up to speed. Choosing the right type of necklace is important, especially for pain relief purposes. You'll have to decide whether you like the flexibility of the lariat, or the look of the traditional style.

You'll also want to ensure that your necklace has the quality to last. In addition, you'll need it to have the right number of high powered magnets if you're wearing it for therapy purposes. Once you've got those concerns taken care of, buying to match your style is your key to long lasting enjoyment.

Kurt Schmitt is an online journalist who writes about Magnetic Jewelry and magnetic therapy

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